When making multiple selections in Shiny selectInput, the values are outputted without comma separation. This causes problems when the outputted values are consist of values with multiple words.
Is there a way to change the value "output" of Shiny's selectInput to be separated by commas?
Here is a MRE:
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput(inputId = "input_select",
label = "Input",
choices = c("John Doe",
"Johnny D Y",
"Jane Doe",
multiple = TRUE
textOutput(outputId = "output_text")
server <- function(session, input, output){
output$output_text <- renderText({
shinyApp(ui, server)
When selecting the values "John Doe", "Johnny D Y" and "Jane Doe", I want the text output to look like this: "John Doe", "Johnny D Y", "Jane Doe" (a vector with these three names in quotation marks and separated by comma).
How could I achieve this?
You can use the collapse
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput(inputId = "input_select",
label = "Input",
choices = c("John Doe",
"Johnny D Y",
"Jane Doe",
multiple = TRUE
textOutput(outputId = "output_text")
server <- function(session, input, output){
output$output_text <- renderText({
paste(dQuote(input$input_select, q = FALSE), collapse = ", ")
shinyApp(ui, server)