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JSON to XML conversion with python (dicttoxml)

import dicttoxml

json_req_body = {
   "req": {
      "SessionKey": "aad3584e-ce40-4937-9eae-5084ab693986",
      "ObjectId": "1f79ed70-77c4-ec11-997e-281878c34860",
      "PhoneNumber": {
         "EntryId": 0,
         "CountryCode": "",
         "PhoneNumberType": "Home",
         "_PhoneNumber": "7073861807",
         "_IsPrimary": "true",
         "OptOut": "false"

json_to_xml_data = dicttoxml.dicttoxml(json_req_body, attr_type=False,root=False)
#Byte to String
json_to_xml_data = json_to_xml_data.decode("utf-8")

current output:


I am using dicttoxml package to convert JSON to XML, conversation is happening well. but I have a scenario where JSON keys start with _ . in that scenario need JSON key and values have to be part of the XML parent tag as follows.

expected output;

  <PhoneNumber PhoneNumber='7073861807' IsPrimary='true'>

is there a way to achieve this using dicttoxml package, or are there any other packages that support these scenarios?


  • I don't think dicttoxml includes such a specific function. However, you can easily make all the changes you want to your xml with ElementTree:

    import dicttoxml
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    json_req_body = {
       "req": {
          "SessionKey": "aad3584e-ce40-4937-9eae-5084ab693986",
          "ObjectId": "1f79ed70-77c4-ec11-997e-281878c34860",
          "PhoneNumber": {
             "EntryId": 0,
             "CountryCode": "",
             "PhoneNumberType": "Home",
             "_PhoneNumber": "7073861807",
             "_IsPrimary": "true",
             "OptOut": "false"
    json_to_xml_data = dicttoxml.dicttoxml(json_req_body, attr_type=False,root=False).decode("utf-8")
    elt_tree = ET.XML(json_to_xml_data)
    for phone_nb in elt_tree.iter('PhoneNumber'):
        remove_children = []
        for child in phone_nb:
            if child.tag[0] == '_':
                phone_nb.set(child.tag.strip('_'), child.text)
        for child in remove_children:
    print(ET.tostring(elt_tree, encoding='unicode'))


      <PhoneNumber PhoneNumber="7073861807" IsPrimary="true">
        <CountryCode />

    Edit: for all keys (not only "PhoneNumber") that are directly under root, replace the loop with:

    for key_tag in elt_tree:
        remove_children = []
        for child in key_tag:
            if child.tag[0] == '_':
                key_tag.set(child.tag.strip('_'), child.text)
        for child in remove_children:

    (loop over elt_tree.iter() instead of elt_tree if you want to process all elements recursively)