I am getting error "No keyword with name 'addition' found."
py file
class A:
def addition(self,a,b):
robot code
*** Setting ***
Library xyz.py
*** Test Cases ***
Addition Program
addition a b
Make sure to follow the documentation to RF
Taken from the documentation:
- Library name
The name of a test library that is used when a library is imported is the same as the name of the module or class implementing it. For example, if you have a Python module MyLibrary (that is, file MyLibrary.py), it will create a library with name MyLibrary.
Python classes are always inside a module. If the name of a class implementing a library is the same as the name of the module, Robot Framework allows dropping the class name when importing the library. For example, class MyLib in MyLib.py file can be used as a library with just name MyLib. This also works with submodules so that if, for example, parent.MyLib module has class MyLib, importing it using just parent.MyLib works. If the module name and class name are different, libraries must be taken into use using both module and class names, such as mymodule.MyLibrary or parent.submodule.MyLib.*
Python file "MyLibrary.py"
class MyLibrary:
def __init__(self,a,b):
def addition(self):
return self.a+self.b
robot file
*** Settings ***
Library MyLibrary.py ${2} ${1}
*** Test Cases ***
${result}= MyLibrary.addition
Log ${result}