Here's a very weird bug that occurs in Safari 15.3 and 15.4 (macOS) but not in any other browser.
If I have the following element:
<input type="file" accept=".json,.cbor">
I can select any .cbor file.
However, if I do:
<input type="file" accept=".json,.jpg,.cbor">
Safari shows a 'tempImageXXXXX.jpg' name and does not select the actual file.
This only happens for .cbor files in our test, but I assume it might have something to do with unknown mime types? .wav, .json, .jpeg, .mp4, etc. all have no issues. Also no other browser has any issues with this. Re-ordering the extensions in the element neither.
To replicate: just rename a txt file to .cbor and paste the code above into jsfiddle.
try using this:
<input type="file" accept="application/json,image/jpg,.cbor" />
if that did not work fine, try changing .cbor
with text/plain