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Vapor Swift How to Configure Client Connection Timeout

I am using Vapor Swift to send GET / POST requests from the server-side using the below methods:

req.application.client.get(<#T##url: URI##URI#>, headers: <#T##HTTPHeaders#>, beforeSend: <#T##(inout ClientRequest) throws -> ()#>)<#T##url: URI##URI#>, headers: <#T##HTTPHeaders#>, beforeSend: <#T##(inout ClientRequest) throws -> ()#>)

How do I set a timeout for the request? I could not find anything helpful in Vapor documentation.

I know Swift NIO has the scheduleTask feature, but I'm not too sure how to properly implement it. Some examples would be great!

let promise = req.eventLoop.makePromise(of: ClientResponse.self)
let timeoutSchedule = req.eventLoop.scheduleTask(in: .seconds(20)) {


  • Vapor does not expose a per request timeout on the client. You can drop down to use AsyncHTTPClient directly with request.application.http.client and use it per the docs to pass a timeout.

    Alternatively you can set a global timeout in configure.swift with app.http.client.configuration.timeout. That defaults to a 10s connect timeout but no read timeout.

    Finally you could also reduce the amount of data you're pulling down if the API supports something like pagination