I need get files from no_backup folder in my production app - I can't lose these files.
In Android Studio (file explorer) that folder has path: data/data/com.package.name/no_backup/my_files_list
Is there way to do this?
Phone is OnePlus 8 Pro - I have that device and I can do everything, but any file explorer from google play cannot find this folder, android studio can see that folder when my app is in debbug, but I can't run debugg app because my installed app will be uninstaled and "no_backup" folder will be lost.
this path is pointing on system partition. if you want to copy these files programmatically you have to get root access (or at least use privileged/preinstalled system app). if your device isn't rooted (rooting most oftenly wipes data/factory reset) and there is no default/system file explorer with viewing OS partition feature (never seen installed by default, thats would be very insecure) then you won't get access to these files