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Vaadin 22 Starter not working in a standalone instance of Jetty v9

I have cloned from

I produce a .war file (project-base-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war) in the target directory using, mvn package -Pproduction

I pop the .war into the webapps directory of a standalone instance of Jetty v9.4.46

Using Chrome, I open http://localhost:8080/project-base-1.0-SNAPSHOT/ and all I get is a directory listing.

Doing the same thing with standalone Tomcat (v8.5.78) works as expected.

Running, mvn jetty:run also works as expected

It doesn't work with Jetty v10.0.9 either

Am I missing something obvious?


  • Maybe the Jetty logs show is something is wrong with your Jetty but what you do works fine for me:

    git clone
    cd skeleton-starter-flow
    git checkout v22
    mvn package -Pproduction
    tar zxvf jetty-distribution-9.4.46.v20220331.tar.gz
    cp target/project-base-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war jetty-distribution-9.4.46.v20220331/webapps
    cd jetty-distribution-9.4.46.v20220331
    bin/ run

    Then http://localhost:8080/project-base-1.0-SNAPSHOT/ shows the application with a text field and a button