I want to copy a BlockingCollection
and edit the copy.
is the copy of DataModelListRaw
When I do this:
BlockingCollection<DataModel> dataModelCollection = DataModelListRaw;
while (dataModelCollection.TryTake(out _)) { }
I clear also the origin, because of the reference.
If I fill the new BlockingCollection
item for item, like this:
BlockingCollection<DataModel> dataModelCollection = new();
foreach(var datamodel in DataModelListRaw)
while (dataModelCollection.TryTake(out _)) { }
it works.
But is there a shorter and more elegant way to do this copy? Maybe a method in BlockingCollection
Just do
var myCopy = dataModelCollection.ToList();
This will use the IEnumerable interface to iterate over the collection and copy all the items. You can then do any editing of the list you need. If you need an actual blocking collection you need to create a new one:
var blockingCollectionCopy = new BlockingCollection<DataModel>(new ConcurrentQueue<DataModel>(myCopy ));