Hello guys I want to ask, how can I return another field in the result of distinct mongodb method?
For example, I have the following documents:
"id": 1,
"segment": "AAS",
"partner": {}
"id": 2,
"segment": "AAS",
"partner": {}
"id": 3,
"segment": "BBS",
"partner": {}
"id": 4,
"segment": "CCS",
"partner": {}
"id": 5,
"segment": "DDS",
"partner": {}
I want to distinct the segment field, but, I need to return the partner field too:
"segment": "AAS",
"partner": {}
"segment": "BBS",
"partner": {}
"segment": "CCS",
"partner": {}
"segment": "DDS",
"partner": {}
How can I produce that? Is it possible to use mapReduce method? how can I implement that?
Thank you!
Assume that you don't care about which AAS you get. I pick the first one.
$group: {
_id: "$segment",
field: {
$first: "$$ROOT"
$replaceWith: "$field"
$unset: [ "id", "_id" ]