this is what my dict looks like:
ranked_imgs = {'d57b26aa-c8f8-4e08-9e8f-8aecd6e952a5': {'small': [],
'medium': [['', 1]],
'large': []},
'b10ecfdb-f590-4930-9975-aa12dc267f2f': {'small': [],
'medium': [],
'large': [['', 1]]},......}
This is what I'm trying to do using dict comprehension but it fails because the temporary list is over ridden due to for loop:
dct = {k:[x for x in vv] for k,v in ranked_imgs.items() for vk,vv in v.items()}
or something like this maybe :
dct = {k:sum(vv,[]) for k,v in ranked_imgs.items() for vk,vv in v.items()}
This is what the code will look like with comprehension:
# ranked_imgs_={}
# for k,v in ranked_imgs.items():
# lst = []
# for vk,vv in v.items():
# for url in vv:
# lst.append(url)
# ranked_imgs_[k] = lst
I'm curious to know if there is a pythonic way to do this using dict comprehension!
Use chain.from_iterable
may be a little better than the answer of @blhsing, it iterates by concatenating v.values()
from itertools import chain
result = {k: list(chain.from_iterable(v.values())) for k, v in ranked_imgs.items()}