So I am trying to create a choropleth map at the county level using binned data in Altair. I got the bin function to work, but I can't reverse the direction of the color scheme. If I use the following argument I can change the direction of the color scheme with non-binned data:
With the binned data it doesn't get an error but the sort argument doesn't do anything, here is the full code I have been messing with using an vega-lite gallery example map:
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
counties = alt.topo_feature(data.us_10m.url, 'counties')
source = data.unemployment.url
color=alt.Color('rate:Q', bin=alt.Bin(maxbins=7), sort="descending", scale=alt.Scale(scheme='yelloworangered'))
from_=alt.LookupData(source, 'id', ['rate'])
Is there a way to reverse the color scheme with binned data? What I want in this example is to make the higher unemployment rate counties yellow and the lower ones red.
You can reverse any scale in Altair by setting reverse=True
(no need to sort). In your case:
scale=alt.Scale(scheme='yelloworangered', reverse=True)