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C++; Pass a std::array Random Access Iterator as a Function Parameter

So I've seen questions on here about how to pass through a std::vector::iterator as an argument parameter for a function, however, those solutions don't seem to apply when dealing with std::arrays. What I want to use this for is a Quick Sort function that takes in std::arrays. This is the code I have thus far:

#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <random>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;

// Function declarations.
template<size_t SIZE>
void QuickSort(array<int, SIZE> arrayName, array<int, SIZE>::iterator low, \
    array<int, SIZE>::iterator high);

template<size_t SIZE>
auto Partition(array<int, SIZE> arrayName, array<int, SIZE>::iterator low, \
    array<int, SIZE>::iterator high);

// Main function.
int main()
    // Set rand() seed to current time (NULL).

    // Declare array "randomNumberArray" of size #.
    static array<int, 5> randomNumerArray = { 0 };

    // Initialize array with random numbers.
    for (auto it = randomNumerArray.begin(); it != randomNumerArray.end(); ++it)
        *it = rand() % 500 + 1;

    This is where I would want to use the Quick Sort function to sort the array and
    then print it out to the console.

    return 0;

// Function definitions. Standard Quick Sort syntax.
template<size_t SIZE>
void QuickSort(array<int, SIZE> arrayName, array<int, SIZE>::iterator low, \
    array<int, SIZE>::iterator high)
    if (low < high) {
        // Function definition to be finished.


/* Partition() returns auto to easily return the variable type I need
which is a Random Access Iterator.*/
template<size_t SIZE>
auto Partition(array<int, SIZE> arrayName, array<int, SIZE>::iterator low, \
    array<int, SIZE>::iterator high)
    auto pivot = high;
    auto i = (low - 1);

    for (auto j = low; j < pivot; ++j) {
        if (*j < *pivot) {
            int tempNum = 0;
            tempNum = *(++i);
            *i = *j;
            *j = tempNum;

    int tempNum = 0;
    tempNum = *(++i);
    *i = *pivot;
    *pivot = tempNum;

    return i;

As you can see, I've managed how to fit most of the pieces to this puzzle, I just don't know how to pass through low and high, which are meant to be of Random Access Iterator types, as argument parameters to the functions. Using std::array<type, size>::iterator doesn't work as it's not a type. I've also tried to add #include <iterator>, but to no avail.

EDIT: To clarify, it's not the value contained within the index that I'm trying to pass through, but the index itself which changes with each recursion.


  • You need to use typename to hint to the compiler that iterator is a type

    template<size_t SIZE>
    void QuickSort(typename array<int, SIZE>::iterator low,
                   typename array<int, SIZE>::iterator high);

    But that won't work either since SIZE is in a nondeduced context. It would be better to just make an iterator as a template

    template<typename RandomIt>
    void QuickSort(RandomIt low, RandomIt high);