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Mac | Terminal: Move multiple files located in CSV to different directory

I can't seem to figure out this one.

I have a csv file, 2 columns. ColumnsA contains the path to a file and ColumnB the destination of said file. Total rows 1,000.

I will like terminal to loop and move each file located in columnA to the destination in columnB enter image description here

In terminal, I tried using this:

for file in $(cat ~/downloads/Mover.csv); do mv ...

I can't figure out the next piece of the command. Can you please help?

Raw file Format: csv (comma delimiter) The raw file is as shown in the screenshot. ColumnA contains the path of each pdf that needs to be inserted inside the folder in ColumnB

  • each pdf file is unique.
  • one file per folder

I'm very new to the world of terminal. Please let me know what I can provide


  • The CSV format isn't very friendly for UNIX standard tools, but as long as you don't have commas, double-quotes or newlines in your content then you can use this:

    while IFS=',' read -r location new
        mv -i "$location" "$new/"
    done < <(sed $'s/\r$//' file.csv)

    I'm supposing that new is a directory