I'm convinced that Flink is the perfect solution to my event processing problem. I have even managed to produce a working prototype, but I'm not convinced it is even close to optimal.
Here is my scenario:
and is stored as JSON
, Event3
, and Event4
but is stored as Gzip'd Base64 (which ultimately is also JSON
). I have to process this using the RAW
format and then extract the event data using a custom UDF process_events234
- created by implementing TableFunction[Row]
in a Scala class.Data Type | Has key1 | Has key2 |
Event1 | Yes | No |
Event2 | Yes | Yes |
Event3 | No | Yes |
Event4 | No | Yes |
My prototype notebook has the following:
CREATE TABLE event_1 (
'connector' = 'kinesis',
'stream' = 'stream_of_event_1s',
'format' = 'json'
CREATE TABLE events_234 (
'connector' = 'kinesis',
'stream' = 'stream_of_event_1_2_3s',
'format' = 'raw'
CREATE VIEW event_N // Where N is 2,3,4
events_234 e
JOIN LATERAL table(process_events234(e.Data)) as p ON TRUE
p.eventType = 'eventN' // Where N is 2,3,4
/*INSERT INTO my_downstream_sink */
e1.*, e2.*, e3.*, e4.*
event_1 e1
INNER JOIN event_2 e2 ON e1.key1 = e2.key1
INNER JOIN event_3 e3 ON e2.key2 = e3.key2
INNER JOIN event_4 e4 ON e2.key2 = e4.key2
My current prototype is working for a few hundred records over a 10 minutes period, but I doubt it's ability to scale. What concerns me is the fact that I am not able to partition
the data such that I imagine it would exist on the same worker. I'm new to Flink, but this seem particularly important.
What occurs to me is to expand the number of steps and kinesis streams such that:
partitioned by key2
with Event3
, Event4
However, I'm just guessing and would appreciate some expert advice and opinions. Thanks!
I wouldn't worry; Flink's SQL planner/optimizer should handle this just fine.
You may find it useful to use EXPLAIN and/or look at the resulting job graph in the Flink web dashboard to get a clearer idea of how the query is being executed. I believe you'll find that it's doing exactly what you propose (creating an Event1+Event2
stream, keying it by key2
, and then joining with the other streams) without the expense of writing the Event1+Event2
stream out to Kinesis and reading it in again.