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Terraform: How to retrieve the aks managed outbound ip

In an aks managed slb for standard sku, azure assigns a public ip automatically.

The name of this public ip is auto generated but has the following tags

"tags": {
          "aks-managed-type": "aks-slb-managed-outbound-ip"

Im unable to retrieve this ip after its created.

The name is also auto generated

"name": "[parameters('publicIPAddresses_837ca1c7_1817_43b7_8f4d_34b750419d4b_name')]",

I tried to filter using the azurerm_public_ip data source and use tags for filtering but this is not working.

data "azurerm_public_ip" "example" {
  resource_group_name = "rg-sample-004"
  filter {
    name = "tag:aks-managed-type"
    values = [ "aks-slb-managed-outbound-ip" ]

This above code is incorrect as the name parameter is not provided, but I don't know the name until its created.

I want to whitelist this IP for the Azure MySQL database i create at apply stage.

Is there any other way to retrieve this public ip during terraform apply?


  • Here you go, we use this to whitelist access from AKS to key vaults etc:

    data "azurerm_public_ip" "aks_outgoing" {
      name                = join("", (regex("([^/]+)$", join("", azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.network_profile[0].load_balancer_profile[0].effective_outbound_ips))))
      resource_group_name = "YOUR_RG"