In an aks managed slb for standard sku, azure assigns a public ip automatically.
The name of this public ip is auto generated but has the following tags
"tags": {
"aks-managed-type": "aks-slb-managed-outbound-ip"
Im unable to retrieve this ip after its created.
The name is also auto generated
"name": "[parameters('publicIPAddresses_837ca1c7_1817_43b7_8f4d_34b750419d4b_name')]",
I tried to filter using the azurerm_public_ip data source and use tags for filtering but this is not working.
data "azurerm_public_ip" "example" {
resource_group_name = "rg-sample-004"
filter {
name = "tag:aks-managed-type"
values = [ "aks-slb-managed-outbound-ip" ]
This above code is incorrect as the name parameter is not provided, but I don't know the name until its created.
I want to whitelist this IP for the Azure MySQL database i create at apply stage.
Is there any other way to retrieve this public ip during terraform apply?
Here you go, we use this to whitelist access from AKS to key vaults etc:
data "azurerm_public_ip" "aks_outgoing" {
name = join("", (regex("([^/]+)$", join("", azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.network_profile[0].load_balancer_profile[0].effective_outbound_ips))))
resource_group_name = "YOUR_RG"