Search code examples

How to extract data using multiple delimited values in splunk

I have the below string in logs with multiple delimiters (: = and #). I am expecting all the values in tabular formate like

 tenant |countryCode |deviceType |platformID|paymentMethod1|paymentMethod2|userAgent
 XYZ    | US         | IOS        |13        |p1            |p2            |Mozilla /20.0.553 Mozilla/5.0      

logs string

TrackingLogs tenant=XYZ, countryCode=US, deviceType:IOS, platformID:13,currency=USD, paymentMethods:P1 # P1 # P2 # P2 # P4 # , userAgent:Mozilla /20.0.553 Mozilla/5.0

I tried for ':' but no result

search string| rex field=_raw "deviceType\:\s+?(?<deviceType>\S+)" |table  deviceType

for = I used below query it worked but don't know how to combine it with : and #

search trackinglog  | rex field=tenant "(?<tenant>[^\.]*)\.[a-zA-Z]"| table _raw tenant, countryCode , currency , paymentMethods


  • The problem with the first query is not the separator, but the regex itself. It expects a space where none exists. This variation works:

    | rex field=_raw "deviceType:\s*?(?<deviceType>\S+)" |table  deviceType

    For better results, however, try the extract command.

    | extract pairdelim="," kvdelim=":="