I have an h5
file, which is basically model weights output by keras
. For some storage requirements, I'd like to split up the large h5
file into smaller pieces, and combine them back into a single file when needed. However, the way I do it seems to miss some "metadata" (not sure, maybe it's missing a lot more, but judging by the size of the combined file and the original file, it seems that I'm not missing much).
Here's my splitting script:
prefix = "model_weights"
fname_src = "DiffusiveSizeFactorAI/model_weights.h5"
size_max = 90 * 1024**2 # maximum size allowed in bytes
is_file_open = False
dest_fnames = []
idx = 0
with h5py.File(fname_src, "r") as src:
for group in src:
fname = f"{prefix}_{idx}.h5"
if not is_file_open:
dest = h5py.File(fname, "w")
is_file_open = True
group_id = dest.require_group(group)
src.copy(f"/{group}", group_id)
size = os.path.getsize(fname)
if size > size_max:
idx += 1
is_file_open = False
and here's the script that I use for combining back the pieces:
fname_combined = f"{prefix}_combined.h5"
with h5py.File(fname_combined, "w") as combined:
for fname in dest_fnames:
with h5py.File(fname, "r") as src:
for group in src:
group_id = combined.require_group(group)
src.copy(f"/{group}", group_id)
Just to add a little bit of context if it helps debugging my case, when I load the "combined" model weights, here's the error I'm getting:
ValueError: Layer count mismatch when loading weights from file. Model expected 108 layers, found 0 saved layers.
Note: the size of the original file and the combined one are about the same (they differ by less than 0.5%), which is why I think that I might be missing some metadata.
Based on an answer from h5py
developers, there are two issues:
file is copied this way, a duplicate extra folder level will be added to the destination file. Let me explain:Suppose in src.h5
, I have the following structure: /A/B/C
. In these two lines:
group_id = dest.require_group(group)
src.copy(f"/{group}", group_id)
is /A
, and so, after copying, an extra /A
will be added to dest.h5
, which results in the following erroneous struction: /A/A/B/C
. To fix that, one needs to explicitly pass name="A"
as an argument to copy
data structure is very similar to Python's dict
, you just need to add:dest.attrs.update(src.attrs)
For personal use, I've written two helper functions, one that splits up a large h5
file into smaller parts, each not exceeding a specified size (passed as argument by user), and another one that combines them back into a single h5
file. In case you find it useful, it can be found on Github here.