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The program is: Please enter a 3 digits number: 635 The permutations are: 635, 653, 365, 356, 563, 536

def permutation_generate(lst):
    if len(lst)== 0:
        return []
    if len(lst)==1:
        return [1]
    l =[]
    for i in range(len(lst)):
        m = lst[i]
        remLst= lst[:i]+ lst[i+1:]
        for p in permutation_generate(remLst):
        return l
data= list(input("Please enter a 3 digits number:\n"))
print("The permutations are:")
for p in permutation_generate(data):
    print(*p,sep='', end="")

#TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "int") to list #What is the solution of the error?


  • On line 13 your function permutation_generate(remLst) returns a list [1] and you start iterating over it in a for loop. So p is 1 of type int thats why on line 14 you get the error trying to concatenate [m]+int won't work. [m]+[p] would work.

    And for your task take a look at itertools module of python standard library