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How to install scripts from pyproject.toml?

I have this snippet in my pyproject.toml

devel = "uvicorn api:app --reload"
prod = "uvicorn api:app"

I install it as mentioned in poetry documentation

(wowtcg-tracker-api-dIKBwUYp-py3.10) bastakka@Karel-NTB:/m/c/U/b/D/P/I/w/wowtcg-tracker-api (main↓2|✚9…9)
» poetry install
Installing dependencies from lock file

Package operations: 38 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals

  • Installing idna (3.3)
  • Installing yapf (0.32.0)
(wowtcg-tracker-api-dIKBwUYp-py3.10) bastakka@Karel-NTB:/m/c/U/b/D/P/I/w/wowtcg-tracker-api (main↓2|✚9…9)

But there were no scripts generated from this command.

Poetry can't run them

…-tracker-api-dIKBwUYp-py3.10) bastakka@Karel-NTB:/m/c/U/b/D/P/I/w/wowtcg-tracker-api (main↓2|✚9…9)
» poetry run prod


  No file/folder found for package wowtcg-tracker-api

  at ~/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.10/poetry/core/masonry/utils/ in __init__
       59│                             "from": str(src.relative_to(self._path)),
       60│                         }
       61│                     ]
       62│                 else:
    →  63│                     raise ModuleOrPackageNotFound(
       64│                         "No file/folder found for package {}".format(name)
       65│                     )
       67│         for package in packages:
…-tracker-api-dIKBwUYp-py3.10) bastakka@Karel-NTB:/m/c/U/b/D/P/I/w/wowtcg-tracker-api (main↓2|✚9…9)

And there are none in the venv bin either

…-tracker-api-dIKBwUYp-py3.10) bastakka@Karel-NTB:/m/c/U/b/D/P/I/w/wowtcg-tracker-api (main↓2|✚9…9)
» ls /home/bastakka/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/wowtcg-tracker-api-dIKBwUYp-py3.10/bin
activate          dotenv*                  pip*               pyreverse*   watchgod*
activate.csh      epylint*                 pip3*              python@      wheel*     get_objgraph*            pip-3.10*          python3@     wheel3*       httpx*                   pip3.10*           python3.10@  wheel-3.10*
activate.ps1      isort*                   prisma*            symilar*     wheel3.10*  isort-identify-imports*  prisma-client-py*  undill*      yapf*     normalizer*              pylint*            uvicorn*     yapf-diff*
…-tracker-api-dIKBwUYp-py3.10) bastakka@Karel-NTB:/m/c/U/b/D/P/I/w/wowtcg-tracker-api (main↓2|✚9…9)

Am I missing something needed or doing something wrong?


  • tool.poetry.scripts is used for "scripts or executables that will be installed when installing the package". You'd have to drop the poetry run prefix to run them.

    For development scripts I'd recommend something like taskipy. e.g.

    # pyproject.toml
    devel = "uvicorn api:app --reload"
    prod = "uvicorn api:app"

    Then you can run something like poetry run task devel