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Why my program is terminated but main thread is run?

I run thread in Qmainwindow using thread library not qthread I not use thread.join but main thread is run but program is terminated why program is temianted?

void MainWindow::onSendMsg()
// std::thread trdSend([this](){
    socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
QLabel *lblMsg = new QLabel;
QByteArray data;

qDebug()<<"New Message";

if(filePath.isNull() || filePath.isEmpty())
    qDebug()<<"Message is Text";

    QString msg=leMsg->text();

    qDebug()<<"Message : "<< msg;

    data =msg.toUtf8();
    qDebug()<<"Add Flag To Message";

    qDebug()<<"Message Is Ready";
    std::thread trdSend((Send()),&data);
    emit addWidget(true,true,data);



  • Literally from std::thread::~thread:

    ~thread(); (since C++11)

    Destroys the thread object.

    If *this has an associated thread (joinable() == true), std::terminate() is called.


    A thread object does not have an associated thread (and is safe to destroy) after

    • it was default-constructed
    • it was moved from
    • join() has been called
    • detach() has been called

    The instance std::thread trdSend; is created as local variable. After the emit addWidget(true,true,data); the scope is left and the trdSend is destroyed while none of the four conditions is met.