I know that there are several questions around the theme of page source but they don't seem related to my issue. I have also asked this question on the WebView2 GitHub website but it was closed.
I have an embedded WebView2 control on my CDialog
and I am implementing a custom menu. I want to be able to view the page source and it should show in a popup. In-fact, it should show exactly as when you press CTRL + U in the browser control:
I added the following custom menu event handler to display the page source:
// ===============================================================
wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2ContextMenuItem> itemViewPageSource;
L"View Page Source (CTRL + U)", nullptr,
[appWindow = this, target](ICoreWebView2ContextMenuItem* sender, IUnknown* args)
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string pageUri;
CString strUrl = L"view-source:" + CString(pageUri.get());
//appWindow->m_pImpl->m_webView->ExecuteScript(L"window.open(\"" + CString(pageUri.get()) + L"\", \"\", \"width=300, height=300\")", nullptr);
return S_OK;
.Get(), nullptr));
CHECK_FAILURE(items->InsertValueAtIndex(itemsCount, itemViewPageSource.get()));
// ===============================================================
The problem is that the source is not displayed in a new popup window (like when using the hotkey):
I was able to change the code to use some JavaScript to display the page itself in a new window:
appWindow->m_pImpl->m_webView->ExecuteScript(L"window.open(\"" + CString(pageUri.get()) + L"\", \"\", \"width=300, height=300\")", nullptr);
And then, when I tried CTRL + U on the popup window, it appeared to display the source in the same window. But in actual fact it was a new window, as I could move it:
At this time I have not found out how to display the page source in a popup-up window (given teh context of my browser control) just like when you press CTRL + U.
The easiest way to do this is why the SendInput
[appWindow = this, target](ICoreWebView2ContextMenuItem* sender, IUnknown* args)
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string pageUri;
CString strUrl = L"view-source:" + CString(pageUri.get());
// Create an array of generic keyboard INPUT structures
INPUT ip[4] = {};
for (int n = 0; n < 4; ++n)
ip[n].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
ip[n].ki.wScan = 0;
ip[n].ki.time = 0;
ip[n].ki.dwFlags = 0; // 0 for key press
ip[n].ki.dwExtraInfo = 0;
ip[0].ki.wVk = VK_CONTROL;
ip[1].ki.wVk = 'U';
ip[2].ki.wVk = 'U';
ip[2].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
ip[3].ki.wVk = VK_CONTROL;
ip[3].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
SendInput(4, ip, sizeof(INPUT));
return S_OK;
.Get(), nullptr));
CHECK_FAILURE(items->InsertValueAtIndex(itemsCount, itemViewPageSource.get()));