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Get an Azure Active Directory token as a user

I want to be able getting access token while I act as a user (meaning I only have username and password). In all the relevant topics I only see that they try getting the token as administrator of the application (for example, in order to know the clientId), but can I do the same while acting as the user of the application?


  • As suggested by @Thomas, you can make use of ROPC flow.

    In order to get access token as a user, you still need to know values of client_id and tenant_id along with your UPN and password.

    Client_Id - Your Application ID

    Tenant_Id - Your Directory ID

    You can get these values from the person who registered the application by: Go to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> Your Application -> Overview


    After getting those values, make use of Postman to generate the access token.

    For that, POST an HTTP request like below that need tenant_id and parameters like below:
    • In Postman, Go to Authorization tab and select type as Oauth2.0

    • Visit Headers tab and include Content-Type key with value as application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    • In Body tab, include parameters like client_id, grant_type, username, password and scope as below: IMAGE

    • Make sure to grant admin consent to required API permissions defined in scope before sending the request.

    • Now, send the request and you can get the access token successfully like below: Image

    To know more in detail, please refer below links:

    Sign in with resource owner password credentials grant - Microsoft identity platform | Microsoft Docs

    Azure registered app error: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID - Stack Overflow