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Calling a Sybase stored procedure from another stored procedure without displaying called stored procedure results

I am calling a Sybase stored procedure X from another stored procedure Y. Following the answer to a similar question , I create a #tmp_table to hold the results from stored procedure X.

create table #tmp_table(
    col1 int,
    col2 varchar(100),
) exec sp_stored_procedureX 888, 'Parameter2', ...

select * from #tmp_table

The above successfully loads stored procedure X's results into #tmp_table but it shows the results of stored procedure X twice. I guess the first one is from "exec sp_stored_procedureX ..." part and the second one is from "select * from #tmp_table" which I intended. I don't want to display the results from the first "exec sp_stored_procedureX ..." part. How can I store data to #tmp_table without displaying it?

Please kindly let me know if more clarification/information is needed.

Thanks & Regards,



  • your syntax is incorrect for normal table in ASE. But for ASE, there's a special table name RPC table can map the output of procedure to a table format output. Maybe that's what you are looking for...And that also can be called from remote ASE. Here's a sample --

    use omni_rpc 
    create table rmtbl 
    aint int null, 
    bchr char(10) null, 
    cchr char(10) null 
    insert rmtbl values (11, "b_row1", "c_row1") 
    insert rmtbl values (22, "b_row2", "c_row2") 
    insert rmtbl values (33, "b_row3", "c_row3") 
    insert rmtbl values (44, "b_row4", "c_row4") 
    insert rmtbl values (55, "b_row5", "c_row6") 
    create proc procImm @Colnames varchar(100), @NameT varchar(20), @nameCol varchar 
    (20), @value char(2) 
    execute ('select ' + @Colnames + ' from ' + @NameT + ' where ' 
    + @nameCol + ' = ' + @value) 
    Here @NameT and @Colnames are command parameters, and @value is a search parameter based on the terms defined at the beginning of the paper. 
    In the local server: 
    use test 
    sp_addobjectdef myrpc_imm, "THIS.omni_rpc..procImm", "rpc" 
    (return status = 0) 
    create existing table myrpc_imm 
    NameT varchar(20), 
    nameCol varchar(20), 
    value varchar(10) 
    external procedure at "THIS.omni_rpc..procImm" 
    select * from myrpc_imm 
    where NameT = 'rmtbl' and nameCol = 'aint' and value = '33' 
    NameT                nameCol              value 
    -------------------- -------------------- ---------- 
    (0 rows affected) 
    dbcc traceon(11225) 
    00:00000:00017:2004/04/01 12:18:47.03 server DBCC TRACEON 11225, SPID 17 
    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with 
    System Administrator (SA) role. 
    select * from myrpc_imm 
    where NameT = 'rmtbl' and nameCol = 'aint' and value = '33' 
    NameT                nameCol              value 
    -------------------- -------------------- ---------- 
    33                   b_row3               c_row3 
    (1 row affected)