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generate thumbnail for every image in folder

I am trying to write a bash script that generates small thumbnail versions for every image in a folder, so I can use it for more efficient image loading in react.

The selected answer from this question I have been trying to get working; Bash script to create customized thumbnails

By using this modified code:

for file in ./aesthetic-images/*
  # next line checks the mime-type of the file
  IMAGE_TYPE=`file --mime-type -b "$file" | awk -F'/' '{print $1}'`
  if [ x$IMAGE_TYPE = "ximage" ]; then
      IMAGE_SIZE=`file -b $file | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/,/ /g' | awk  '{print $2}'`
      WIDTH=`echo $IMAGE_SIZE | sed 's/x/ /g' | awk '{print $1}'`
      HEIGHT=`echo $IMAGE_SIZE | sed 's/x/ /g' | awk '{print $2}'`           
      # If the image width is greater that 200 or the height is greater that 150 a thumb is created
     if [ $WIDTH -ge  201 ] || [ $HEIGHT -ge 151 ]; then
        #This line convert the image in a 200 x 150 thumb 
        filename=$(basename "$file")
        convert -sample 200x150 "$file" "${THUMBS_FOLDER}/${filename}_thumb.${extension}"   

While my project layout looks like so, calling the bash .sh script inside the /src/ folder:

enter image description here

But running the script with bash leads to errors in console:

$ ./
./ line 12: [: JFIFstandard1.01: integer expression expected
./ line 12: [: -ge: unary operator expected
./ line 12: [: JFIFstandard1.01: integer expression expected
./ line 12: [: -ge: unary operator expected
./ line 12: [: JFIFstandard1.01: integer expression expected
./ line 12: [: -ge: unary operator expected
./ line 12: [: progressive: integer expression expected
./ line 12: [: -ge: unary operator expected
./ line 12: [: JFIFstandard1.01: integer expression expected
./ line 12: [: -ge: unary operator expected
./ line 12: [: JFIFstandard1.01: integer expression expected
./ line 12: [: -ge: unary operator expected
./ line 17: convert: command not found
./ line 12: [: JFIFstandard1.01: integer expression expected
./ line 12: [: -ge: unary operator expected

Is it a problem with how I configured the bash script? Or my process in calling it?


    • The usage of file command to determine image size is unreliable. The output format varies depending on the image format. Instead make use of identify, a ImageMagick suite command.
    • It is not recommended to use uppercases for user variables. It may conflict with system variables.

    Would you please try instead:

    mkdir -p "$thumbs_folder"
    for file in ./aesthetic-images/*; do
        # next line checks the mime-type of the file
        image_type=$(file --mime-type -b "$file")
        if [[ $image_type = image/* ]]; then
            image_size=$(identify -format "%[fx:w]x%[fx:h]" "$file")
            IFS=x read -r width height <<< "$image_size"
            # If the image width is greater that 200 or the height is greater that 150 a thumb is created
            if (( width > 200 || height > 150 )); then
                #This line convert the image in a 200 x 150 thumb 
                filename=$(basename "$file")
                convert -sample 200x150 "$file" "${thumbs_folder}/${filename}_thumb.${extension}"