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How to create a symbolic link in C#/NET6.0 using FileInfo.CreateAsSymbolicLink?

Given this snippet running on Windows:

string filePath = "myfile";
string linkTarget = "";

FileInfo finfo = new(filePath);
FileInfo fi = new(linkTarget);


Assert.IsTrue(fi.Exists); // here thrown, assert is false. And LinkTarger == null.

the symbolic link is not being created and doesn't exists.

It looks like a .NET6.0 bug to me.

what's wrong with it?

What am I missing?

How can i create a symbolic link using FileInfo or related?


I forgot that must be an admin to create a symbolic link in windows, besides shouldn't throw instead a "NotAuthorized" or something?

At this point if i want to create a symbolic link not as admin won't be possible then?


  • Based on this other answer. The reason why the file doesn't exists is because the program doesn't run with admin privileges

    It looks like there is a policy to set up to allow non admin to create symlinks.