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Telegraf.js custom keyboard how to make a Back button?

I don't know how to return to the previous menu by clicking to Back button.

bot.command('course', ctx => {
    ctx.replyWithHTML('<b>Courses</b>', Markup.keyboard(
            ['Editors', 'Reviews'],

bot.hears('JS', ctx => {
    ctx.replyWithHTML('<b>Courses</b>', Markup.keyboard(
            ['Angular', 'React'],
            ['Node'], ['Back'],

I can't understand what kind of bot. function use to solve my problem.


  • I resolve it like this.

    bot.hears(/course|Back/, ctx => { // <==== here we have regex and change command to hears
        ctx.replyWithHTML('<b>Courses</b>', Markup.keyboard(
                ['Editors', 'Reviews'],
    bot.hears('JS', ctx => {
        ctx.replyWithHTML('<b>Courses</b>', Markup.keyboard(
                ['Angular', 'React'],
                ['Node'], ['Back'],