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Why should I enabled OAuth from APIM when it is already secure using Microsoft Identity platform

I have created a Web API using .net core 5. I have secured the app using the Microsoft Identity platform. Clients app are able to get to the resource based on their scope/role. So I know that my api is secure.

Now, I need to add the API to Azure API Management tool. So my question is should I enable OAuth from the Azure API Management to secure my web api even though my app is already secured?. What would be the reason that I enable OAuth from API management?


  • APIM is a proxy to the backend APIs and implementing security mechanisms to give an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access to APIs is a recommended practice.

    Configuring OAuth 2.0 Server in APIM merely enables the Developer Portal’s test console as APIM’s client to acquire a token from Azure Active Directory. In the real world, customer will have a different client app that will need to be configured in AAD to get a valid OAuth token that APIM can validate.

    OAuth is an authorization framework which allows a recognized client to acquire an access token from an authorization server.

    As given in this Microsoft Doc, the Microsoft Identity Platform uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for handling authorization.

    Please find below references makes you how OAuth secures the Web APIs/Services: