running into an issue with alpine js.
First of all I have a master
component that allows the user to switch between two tabs
@props(['pages', 'blogs'])
<div x-data="init()" class="overview row mb30">
<div class="pageContent__content__languages disFlex mb20 bBottom">
@click.prevent='tab = "pages"'
:class='{ "active": tab === "pages" }'
class="pageContent__content__languages__item disFlex aiCenter pt10 pb10 pr10 pl10 mr10 pointer">
@click.prevent='tab = "blogs"'
:class='{ "active": tab === "blogs" }'
class="pageContent__content__languages__item disFlex aiCenter pt10 pb10 pr10 pl10 bRadius mr10 pointer">
<div x-show="tab === 'pages'">
<x-form.edit.navigation.pages :pages="$pages" />
<div x-show="tab === 'blogs'">
<x-form.edit.navigation.blogs :blogs="$blogs" />
<button type="button" wire:click="navigationAddToMenu" class="btn blue w100 mt10">
Toevoegen aan menu
<script type='text/javascript'>
function init() {
return {
selected: @entangle('selected'),
tab: 'pages',
These tabs either display pages
or blogs
depending on which tab is clicked.
Inside of these blade
components is just a foreach
loop to display the items,
<div style="grid-area: unset" class="pageContent__settings bRadius--lrg disFlex fdCol">
<table class="overview__wrapper">
<tbody class="bRadius--lrg">
@foreach($pages as $page)
<tr class="overview__row bBottom">
<td class="overview__row__checkbox">
<input x-model='selected' value='{{ $page->id }}' type="checkbox"
<label for="col-row-{{$loop->index}}"></label>
<td class="overview__row__name lh1">
{{ $page->page_name }}
The blog blade
component is nearly identical.
Now the user is able to check a checkbox to add items to their menu, this is binded using the @entangle
directive and the x-model on the checkbox.
So far when the user is on the default tab pages
and they select a page the correct ID
is retrieved from the checkbox, BUT when the user switches tab to the blogs
display, and clicks a checkbox the value is retrieved from the pages
1 page and 1 blog, page has id of 1 blog has id of 2. User is on the pages
tab and clicks on the checkbox the correct value of 1 is now added to the selected array, user switches tabs to blogs
and clicks the checkbox the expected behavior would be to have the id of 2 added to the selected array, but it still adds 1.
Inspecting the HTML and the loops do add unique ids to each of their items.
Fixed it, need to make my ids on the input more unique, instead of doing
<input x-model='selected' value='{{ $blog->id }}' type="checkbox"
<label for="col-row-{{$loop->index}}"></label>
I added a extra identifier
<input x-model='selected' value='{{ $blog->id }}' type="checkbox"
<label for="col-row-blogs-{{$loop->index}}"></label>
and pages
for the pages.
This fixed the issue