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Not a REST client interface: interface MyClient. No @Path annotation found on the class or any methods of .... [Quarkus]

I have a project that consumes an api and am struggling to get the Rest Client injected into my service.
(to note, i am mainly doing what i did in another instance that works however I can't pinpoint what's wrong here to make this one fail)

My Client interface:
  configKey = "my.feature-service.baseUrl"
public interface FeatureServiceClient {"/v1/my/feature")
  Uni<List<MyDto>> getPossibleFeatures();
  //and several other methods

on my consuming side I have:

public class MyService {
  FeatureServiceClient serviceClient;


however when it tries to get initialised I am getting:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a REST client interface: interface my.feature.FeatureServiceClient. No @Path annotation found on the class or any methods of the interface and no HTTP method annotations (@POST, @PUT, @GET, @HEAD, @DELETE, etc) found on any of the methods
    at org.jboss.resteasy.reactive.client.impl.ClientProxies.get(
    at org.jboss.resteasy.reactive.client.impl.WebTargetImpl.proxy(
    at my.feature.MyFeatureClient$$CDIWrapper.<init>(FeatureServiceClient$$CDIWrapper.zig:21)
    at my.feature.MyFeatureClient$$CDIWrapper_ClientProxy.<init>(MyFeatureClient$$CDIWrapper_ClientProxy.zig:28)
    at my.feature.MyFeatureClient$$CDIWrapper_Bean.proxy(FeatureServiceClient$$CDIWrapper_Bean.zig:40)
    at my.feature.MyFeatureClient$$CDIWrapper_Bean.get(FeatureServiceClient$$CDIWrapper_Bean.zig:243)
    at my.feature.MyFeatureClient$$CDIWrapper_Bean.get(FeatureServiceClient$$CDIWrapper_Bean.zig:259)
    at my.consumer.Myservice_Bean.create(MyService_Bean.zig:175)
    ... 67 more


  • So, found the solution.

    I added the following build plugins to the module contianing my Client interface

              <!-- the parameters=true option is critical so that RESTEasy works fine -->

    not entirely sure which of those caused the error to get solved really and i wouldn't expect such an error for any of those being missing.