The use case is:
2022-04-20 05:28:18.210 UTC 006b WARN [peer.blocksprovider] func1 -> Encountered an error reading from deliver stream: EOF channel=channel1
2022-04-20 05:28:18.210 UTC 006c WARN [peer.blocksprovider] DeliverBlocks -> Got error while attempting to receive blocks: received bad status SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE from orderer channel=channel1
The Org3 peer is still trying to connect with the older orderer endpoints (as they were defined in the 0 block initially).
So how to sort out this problem?
One way I can think is to use the snapshot of the Org1/Org2 peer maybe.
What are your thoughts?
I found the solution, so if anyone in the future needs it, can use this answer to join the channel when the orderer endpoints are updated in the channel configuration.
Method 1:
In the peer configuration you can override some of the variables to override the old orderer endpoint with the new orderer endpoints.
The link to the config file and params is:
This method will allow you to join the peer using genesis block and is supported by older versions of Fabric (<=v2.2) which does not support joining by snapshot.
Method 2:
If you are on Fabric v2.2+, then you can either use the Method 1 or join the channel using a snapshot from another peer. There is tutorial in the official docs for that, please check it:
Thanks, Sahil