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Remove prefix and suffix in data without regex

Goal: If cell A1 begins with "BR" replace "BR" with "-". Remove "L" suffix. If input does not begin with "BR", Remove "L" suffix.

Constraints: Formula can only use the following functions (no Regex):

  • if
  • right
  • left
  • mid
  • or
  • and
  • len

Possible input value patterns/examples:

  • BR3L
  • BR40L
  • BR500L
  • BR600L
  • 0L
  • 5L
  • 60L
  • 700L
  • 8000L

What I've figured out so far:
Formula that converts BR prefix values to negatives: if(left(a1,2)="BR","-"&right(a1,len(a1)-2),a1)

Formula that removes "L" suffix: if(right(a1,1)="L",left(a1,len(a1)-1),a1)


  • overkill, but works too:

     IF(RIGHT(A1:A, 1)="L", LEFT(A1:A, LEN(A1:A)-1), A1:A), LEN(
     IF(RIGHT(A1:A, 1)="L", LEFT(A1:A, LEN(A1:A)-1), A1:A))-2), 
     IF(RIGHT(A1:A, 1)="L", LEFT(A1:A, LEN(A1:A)-1), A1:A)))

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