I'm trying a feature where user can request for offer and it can be accepted or rejected , I'm new to rails. i can't figure out what's the good way to proceed this. offer create method
def create
@offer = Offer.new(offer_params)
pp offer_params
@barter = Barter.find(params[:barter_id])
@offer = Offer.new(offer_params)
@offer.barter = @barter
@offer.user = current_user
respond_to do |format|
if @offer.save
format.js do
@barter = Barter.find(params[:barter_id])
format.html { render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity }
format.json { render json: @review.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
offer submission
<%= form_for([ @barter, @barter.offers.new] ) do |form| %>
<%= form.text_area :message %><br>
<%= form.submit "leave" %>
<% end %>
here I want to make it accepted or rejected , I've given a boolean value and simply make it false when rejected
<%= form_tag([ @barter, @barter.offers.new] ) do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :reject, :value => true %><br>
<%= submit_tag "reject" %>
<% end %>
is there a good way to do this? and how can i make it disappear when i accept this.
Sorry but thats not even close. You're just creating a new offer record in the form when what you should be doing is to update an existing record - and while you potentially do this through PATCH /offers/:id
its going to be very ambigeuos in terms of intent.
The simplest way I cn think of handle this would be to simply add two additional RESTful routes to update the offers.
Start by adding the routes:
resources :offers, only: [] do
patch :accept
patch :decline
And en enum attribute to the model:
class AddStatusToOffers < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
add_column :offers, :status, :integer, default: 0, index: true
class Offer < ApplicationRecord
# ...
enum status: {
pending: 0,
accepted: 1,
rejected: 2
This is a better idea then adding a boolean since your boolean would either need to be a tri-state boolean (nullable) which is regarded as a very bad practice or default to false in which case you can't differentiate between the offers a users has replied to or not.
Then add the controller methods for your new endpoints:
class OffersController
before_action :set_coffer, only: %i{ show edit update destroy accept decline }
# ...
# PATCH /offers/:id/accept
# @TODO authorize that the user should actually be allowed the offer
def accept
if @offer.accepted!
redirect_to @offer, notice: 'Offer accepted'
redirect_to @offer, notice: 'Offer could not be accepted - please try again'
# PATCH /offers/:id/reject
# @TODO authorize that the user should actually be reject the offer
def reject
if @offer.rejected!
redirect_to @offer, notice: 'Offer rejected'
redirect_to @offer, notice: 'Offer could not be rejected - please try again'
def set_offer
@offer = Offer.find(params[:id])
You can then simply add buttons/links that send the request to update the offer:
<%= button_to "Accept", accept_offer_path(offer), method: :patch %>
<%= button_to "Reject", reject_offer_path(offer), method: :patch %>
This is not the only way to solve the issue. If you for example want to record a message where the user can say why they rejected an offer I would model replies to an offer as a completely seperate resource.