I recently added some color to my bash prompt, and now when I type a command the text doesn't wrap properly.
Here is an example:
MacBook-Pro:~ williamgiles$
long commandwilliamgiles$ this is a really long command,this is a really
My original PS1:
\h:\W \u\$
My new one with color:
\e[0;35m\h:\W \u$ \e[m
You need to mark the color-changing sequences as something that does not contribute to the length of the prompt on-screen.
PS1='\[\e[0;35m\]\h:\W \u$ \[\e[m\]'
already knows to take the expansion of \h
, \W
, and \u
into account; it has no idea that \e[0;35m
is not simply 7 characters that the terminal will display on screen.