Can someone help me create three scatter plots as in the first picture? Ideally using the plot() function.
df <- tibble(
image = 1:18,
m_r_exsal = rnorm(18, 5, 2),
m_r_sal = rnorm(18, 6, 2),
female = c(rep(1, 18/2), rep(0, 18/2)),
lg_salary = rnorm(18, 5, 1.5),
deviation = rnorm(18, 1, 1),
chinese = c(rep(1, 6), rep(0, 18/3*2)),
european = c(rep(0, 6), rep(1, 6), rep(0, 6)),
american = c(rep(0, 18/3*2), rep(1, 6))
Example data:
# A tibble: 18 x 9
image m_r_exsal m_r_sal female lg_salary deviation chinese european american
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 6.19 9.56 1 5.48 1.54 1 0 0
2 2 10.1 5.17 1 3.77 -0.755 1 0 0
3 3 4.96 1.91 1 6.75 0.381 1 0 0
4 4 5.10 4.57 1 4.61 -0.207 1 0 0
5 5 -1.25 6.57 1 2.33 0.880 1 0 0
6 6 6.77 9.10 1 3.07 1.03 1 0 0
7 7 4.04 4.84 1 4.56 1.95 0 1 0
8 8 3.72 4.72 1 5.32 1.17 0 1 0
9 9 7.59 7.05 1 6.24 -0.224 0 1 0
10 10 4.09 3.94 0 5.60 2.52 0 1 0
11 11 4.15 6.05 0 7.08 -0.152 0 1 0
12 12 6.07 5.27 0 5.79 -0.323 0 1 0
13 13 4.49 4.64 0 5.97 0.457 0 0 1
14 14 6.74 4.70 0 3.38 0.377 0 0 1
15 15 7.46 9.02 0 6.65 1.85 0 0 1
16 16 4.29 5.26 0 4.07 2.18 0 0 1
17 17 2.33 1.58 0 8.43 1.06 0 0 1
18 18 4.78 8.75 0 5.03 0.101 0 0 1
Making the plot:
df %>%
mutate(chinese = case_when(chinese == 1 ~ "chinese"),
european = case_when(european == 1 ~ "european"),
american = case_when(american == 1 ~ "american"),
female = case_when(female == 1 ~ "female",
TRUE ~ "male")) %>%
unite(country, chinese:american, remove = TRUE, sep = "") %>%
mutate(country = country %>% str_remove_all("NA")) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(lg_salary, deviation, col = female) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~ country)
The output: