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Perl compilation problem that Perl::Critic does not see

I have this if statement that does not pass compilation:

        my $string_var;
        if ( $string_var eq "string_value1" || $string_var eq "string_value2" ) &&
           (defined $ENV{VAR_NAME}) {
                die { "error_message" => "error_message" }

Neither I nor Perl::Critic see a problem. But Perl says:

syntax error at /opt/app_protect/bin/../lib/perl/F5/BdCfg/ line 178, near ") &&"
syntax error at /opt/app_protect/bin/../lib/perl/F5/BdCfg/ line 181, near "}"

Can anyone help?

It's CentOS 7.6.1810 with Perl v5.16.3


  • From perlsyn:

    The following compound statements may be used to control flow:
    if (EXPR) BLOCK

    What you provide here is not

    if (EXPR) BLOCK

    but instead

    if (EXPR1) && (EXPR2) BLOCK

    This needs to be enclosed in parentheses in order to be a valid syntax, i.e.

    if ((EXPR1) && (EXPR2)) BLOCK