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Get centroid coordinates of a given country in BigQuery

In BigQuery, given a country in ISO-2 code I need to get its centroids coordinates (lat and long). There is a way to do this? Looking into the geography functions of BQ I did not find a way.


  • You can use the bigquery-public-data.geo_openstreetmap.planet_features table from BigQuery public datasets to calculate the centroids of countries. The inner query is based on this answer from Stack Overflow. Consider the below query and output.

    SELECT -- Extract country code, lat and long
     ST_X(centroid) AS longitude,
     ST_Y(centroid) AS latitude
    FROM (SELECT (SELECT value FROM UNNEST(all_tags)
       WHERE key = 'ISO3166-1:alpha2') AS CountryISO2Code,
         ST_CENTROID(geometry) centroid -- calculate the centroid with the geometry values
       FROM `bigquery-public-data.geo_openstreetmap.planet_features`
       WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(all_tags) WHERE key='boundary' AND value= 'administrative')
         AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(all_tags) WHERE key='admin_level' AND value = '2')
         AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(all_tags) WHERE key='ISO3166-1:alpha2'))
    WHERE CountryISO2Code="IN" -- country code to filter the output

    Output of the above query enter image description here

    Please note that there are some country codes that are not available in the table. Also, OSM dataset in BigQuery itself is produced as a public good by volunteers, and there are no guarantees about data quality.

    I also found some community-maintained data from Github like this one which can be imported into BigQuery and is ready-to-use.