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PowerShell: Use undeclared variable in string

I'm trying to figure out how I can use undeclared variables in a string. This is a simplified example to demonstrate my issue

[string]$sentence="My dog is $age years old"
[int]$age = 6 
$sentence | write-output

$age = 3
$sentence | write-output

Looking for this output:

   My dog is 6 years old

   My dog is 3 years old

Getting this output:

   My dog is  years old

   My dog is  years old

I've tried the following:

  "My dog is `$age years old" #My dog is $age years old
  $("My dog is `$age years old") #My dog is $age years old
  $("My dog is $age years old") #My dog is 3 years old

Is it possible in any way to make this more compact? or is this the only way?

edit: I noticed the focus is on strings. I will share my code where this was an issue. I need to migrate a bunch of VBS-scripts (>40) varying from 20 lines to 2000 lines to Powershell


    Function InitializeApp

        Dim sPath

    End function 

Powershell Script:

$vbs=Get-Content -path $path #get content in array, one line per index
        "vbs" = 'Function (?<V1>\w*)'; # The regex named group V1 will initialized when match is found
        "ps" = {"Function $1() `{`n"} # Group V1 is to be inserted in replacement string

function Invoke-TestAndReplace($line,$ruleName){
    $r_vbs=$($rules.where({$ -eq $ruleName}).vbs) # Function (?<V1>\w*)
    $r_ps=$($rules.where({$ -eq $ruleName}).ps) # {"Function $1() `{`n"}
    if( $regex = ($line | select-string -pattern $r_vbs )) {
        $0=$regex[0].Matches.Groups.Where({$ -eq "0"}).value # Function InitializeApp
        $1=$regex[0].Matches.Groups.Where({$ -eq "V1"}).value # InitializeApp
        $2=$regex[0].Matches.Groups.Where({$ -eq "V2"}).value #
        $r_ps = & $r_ps # Function InitializeApp() {
        $replace = $line.replace($0,$r_ps) # Function InitializeApp -> Function InitializeApp() {
    } else {$replace = $line} #keep old value
    return $replace
foreach($line in $vbs){
    $line = Invoke-TestAndReplace -line $line -rulename "func_start"


  • This answer shows an overcomplicated alternative to the nice answer from Joel Coehoorn. You can use a Script Block, to store an expression (including your $age variable) and then execute it.

    $sentence = { "My dog is $age years old" }
    $age = 6 
    & $sentence | write-output # => My dog is 6 years old
    $age = 3
    & $sentence | write-output # => My dog is 3 years old

    If you want your script block to "remember" the value of a variable at the moment it was created you can use it's .GetNewClosure() method, for example:

    $expressions = foreach($i in 0..5) {
        { "Value of `$i was $i in this iteration" }.GetNewClosure()
    $expressions.foreach{ & $_ }