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How to move list of files from different directories to new directory using bash

I used find ./busd/ -type f -iname '*.pdf' | less to look for .pdf files on my second drive and there are hundreds of results from different subdirectories but I only needed to copy/move selection of pdf files to new directory.

I copy pasted their paths/filenames to moveme.txt.

I am thinking of cat moveme.txt | xargs command but i am stocked there. Please help.

I tried cat moveme.txt | xargs -0 -I % sh -c 'sudo mv -v % /new/directory/' and failed. How to do this right?

edit: I like to add that this path/filenames have spaces. Maybe it matters.

excerpt from moveme.txt:

./busd/0128/csm/3t2/readables/etc/xulin/Shell Scripting.pdf
./busd/0128/csm/dais6/Dearables/assorted/Bash Pocket Reference - Arnold Robbins.pdf


  • Suggesting to dry-run printing each ireversible mv cmd before execution:

      awk '{cmd = "mv \"" $0 "\" /new/directory/"; print cmd}' moveme.txt

    When ready to execute mv command:

      awk '{cmd = "mv \"" $0 "\" /new/directory/"; system(cmd)}' moveme.txt

    Another option is to transform your moveme.txt file into a bash script using sed command and inspect before execution.

      sed -r 's|(^$)|mv "\1" /new/directory/|' moveme.txt >

    Inspect and run it.

      chmod a+x ./
      bash ./