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Segfault 11 when invoking python callback from c/cpp library

I am running a UDP socket from a c/cpp library and passing in a callback from python.

The callback runs fine, until I attempt to modify a member variable of the python application. When I do attempt to modify the member variable, I receive segfault 11 after arbitrary amount of time.

I am curious if this means I will need to handle GIL by wrapping my callback call in py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS and py_END_ALLOW_THREADS:

if possible I would like to avoid including <Python.h> as this is an abstracted library intended to also be compatible with .net

.cpp callback definition

#ifdef _WIN32
typedef void(__stdcall* UDPReceive)(const char* str);
typedef void (*UDPReceive)(const char* str);

.cpp thread launch

ReceiveThread = std::async(std::launch::async, &MLFUDP::ReceivePoller, this, callback);

.h ReceiveCallback

UDPReceive ReceiveCallback = nullptr;

.cpp recieve thread that triggers python callback

void UDP::ReceivePoller(UDPReceive callback)
    ReceiveCallback = callback
    ReceiverRunning = true;

    UDPLock *receiveLock = new UDPLock();

#ifdef _WIN32
    int socketLength = sizeof(ClientAddr);
    int flags = 0;
    socklen_t socketLength = sizeof(ClientAddr);
    int flags = MSG_WAITALL;

    int result;
    char buffer[MAXLINE];
        try {
            memset(buffer,'\0', MAXLINE);
            result = recvfrom(RecvSocketDescriptor,
                              (struct sockaddr*)&ClientAddr,
#ifdef _WIN32
            if (result == SOCKET_ERROR)
                Log::LogErr("UDP Received error: " + std::to_string(WSAGetLastError()));
            if(result < 0)
                Log::LogErr("UDD Received error: " + std::to_string(result));
            buffer[result] = '\0';

#ifdef _WIN32
            char* data = _strdup(buffer);
            char* data = strdup(buffer);
            //handle overlfow
            if(data == nullptr) {continue;}
            //Fire Callback

            //okay, we want graceful exit when killing socket on close


**.py lib initialization **

    def __init__(self, udp_recv_port, udp_send_port):
        libname = ""
        if platform == "win32":
            print("On Windows")
            libname = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "SDK_WIN.dll"
        elif platform == "darwin":
            print("on Mac")
            libname = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "SDK.dylib"
        elif platform == "linux":
            print("on linux")

        UDP_TYPE_BIND = 0

        #Load dynamic library
        self.sdk = CDLL(str(libname))

        callback_type = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_char_p)
        log_callback = callback_type(sdk_log_function)
        self.sdk.InitLogging(2, log_callback)

        recv_callback = callback_type(self.sdk_recv_callback)
        self.sdk.InitUDP(udp_recv_port, udp_send_port, UDP_TYPE_BIND, recv_callback)

.py recv_callback definition If I run this callback everything works fine, have spammed it with a few million messages

    def sdk_recv_callback(message):
        string_data = str(message.decode('utf-8'));
        if len(string_data) < 1:

Yet if I then add this message to a thread safe FIFO queue.Queue() I receive segfault 11 after an arbitrary (short) amount of time while receiving messages

    def sdk_recv_callback(message):
        string_data = str(message.decode('utf-8'));
        if len(string_data) < 1:


.py poller function ingesting message queue

    def process_messages(self):
        while self.is_running:
            string_message = message_queue.get();
            data = json.loads(string_message);

Most of this I am learning as I go (in a silo), so I think there is a large chance I am possibly missing something basic/fundamental. I would greatly appreciate any advice on better approaches or just another set of eyes. Thank you.

this is currently being compiled on macos with cmake on an m1 chip.


  • It turns out I did not need to use python.h in my c library to handle GIL. Since I am using ctypes, it "magically" handles GIL by spinning up a temp python thread each time the callback is called (which is nicely detailed here)

    This seg fault was because of the process_message function, which I am running from a thread. The seg fault was caused because I initialized the ctypes library from inside a class. Instead I init the SDK on main and passed a reference to the class

    if __name__ == "__main__":
    libname = ""
    if platform == "win32":
        print("On Windows")
        libname = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "SDK_WIN.dll"
    elif platform == "darwin":
        print("on Mac")
        libname = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "MLFSDK.dylib"
    elif platform == "linux":
        print("on linux")
    sdk = CDLL(str(libname))
    app = the_app(sdk,6666,7777)

    After this all of the threads played along.