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How to set function region for angularfire 7.3.0

I'm having trouble setting the functions-region with angularfire 7.3.0.

I'm importing the modules using v7 modular, and I can't seem to find good instructions on how to change the functions region when using this method.

What I've tried:

Using compat:

import { AngularFireFunctionsModule, REGION } from '@angular/fire/functions';
    providers: [
      { provide: REGION, useValue: 'europe-west1' }

Using getFunctions:

provideFunctions(() => getFunctions(getApp(), 'europe-west1'));

Both seem to fail to set the region, although the last method is described as the correct one.

When checking the FunctionsInstances I get this: FunctionsInstances

This seems to indicate that the region is set correctly, but when calling a function I get an error saying that is not available, as it clearly tries to call a function from us-central1.

Have anybody dealt with this problem, have a fix/workaround or some insight as to why this happens?


  • Ok, so it seems like you have to provide the instance in FunctionsInstance manually.

    When defining the functions, do as such:

    import { Functions, httpsCallable, FunctionsInstances } from '@angular/fire/functions'
    // Inject Functions, FunctionsInstances
    const functionsInstance = this.functionsInstances[0];
    someFunction = httpsCallable(functionsInstance, 'someFunction');

    By using a function-instance from the FunctionsInstance instead of getFunctions(), the call is made using the correct function-instance, and therefore the correct region.