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drupal_render returns nothing, depending on previous script and php tags

I created a template, my-node-form.tpl.php, to theme a particular form. If this is the template content, then drupal_render works fine:

    dsm ("debug.  inside my-node-form.tpl.php");
    foreach ($fieldnames as $fieldname){
      print drupal_render($form[$fieldname]);

However, if there is a blank line between the two sets of php-tags, then drupal_render returns nothing:


    dsm ("debug.  inside my-node-form.tpl.php");
    foreach ($fieldnames as $fieldname){
      print drupal_render($form[$fieldname]);

Anyone know why this is?


  • I had a bug which corrupted some of the formfield data. I fixed the bug and drupal_render now works fine.