I am trying to sum the income of the particular members that shares the same "index" number and present it as a new variable HHincome.
For example: Members with index value of 1 would be summed and presented as a new variable HHincome = 26+31+9+7.
The index number exist from 1 to 466 and there are total of 2504 members.
The followings are the commands that i tried to implement but it doesn't seem to work.
compute HHincome = 0.
vector vindex = index1 TO index466.
vector vincome = income1 TO income2504.
LOOP #vecid = 1 TO 466.
do IF (vindex(#vecid) eq 1 and not missing (vincome(#vecid))).
COMPUTE HHincome = HHincome+vincome(#vecid).
end if.
This is my other attempt
LOOP j = 1 to 466.
compute HHincome = 0.
Loop i = 1 to 2504.
do if (data[i, index] eq j).
compute HHincome = HHincome + data[i,income].
end if.
End loop.
End loop.
In SPSS you don't need to loop over rows (vector
and loop
are for looping over columns). What you need instead is the aggregate
function. Like this:
aggregate outfile=* mode=addvariables /break=index /HHincome=sum(income).