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Split translation results with pandas in Google Colab

I'm doing a traslation of words in csv/excel files using Google Colab and Pandas here is my code:

import pandas as pd
from googletrans import Translator 
# read from an excel file
df = pd.read_excel('/content/Libro2.xlsx')
translator = Translator()  
df = df.apply(translator.translate,src='en',dest='es').apply(getattr, args=('text',))

So basically my input from excel is this one: enter image description here

My output is this with this line in specific df = df.apply(translator.translate,src='en',dest='es').apply(getattr, args=('text',)) so the problem here is I'm getting the format for a csv file, I would like to keet it with the format of the input, so I would like to have my data frame to export in to csv as usual. Here is my output: enter image description here

The output that I would like to have is like the first image just in case is not clear my issue.


  • If you need to apply the function elementwise, you can use Pandas applymap.

    df = pd.DataFrame(['the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'.split()])
    translator = Translator()
    df_tr = df.applymap(lambda w: translator.translate(w, src='en',dest='es').text)

    Output df_tr

        0       1       2      3      4          5   6     7      8
    0  la  rápido  marrón  zorro  salta  terminado  la  vago  perro