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Remove invariants from some prolog list?

I am searching some predicate:

reduce_2n_invariant(+I, +F, -O)

based on:

  • some input list I
  • some input operator F of form fx,

which generates some output list O, that satisfies following general condition:

∀x:(x ∈ O ↔ ∀ n ∈ ℕ ∀ y ∈ O: x ≠ F(F(...F(y)...)),

whereby F is applied 2 times n times to y.

Is their some easy way to do that with swi-prolog?

E.g. the list

l = [a, b, f(f(a)), f(f(c)),  f(f(f(a))), f(f(f(f(a)))), f(b),f(f(b))] 

with operator f should result in:

O = [a, b, f(f(c)), f(f(f(a))), f(b)]

My code so far:

invariant_2(X, F, Y) :-
    Y = F(F(X)).
invariant_2(X, F, Y) :-
    Y = F(F(Z)), invariant_2(X, F, Z).

reduce_2n_invariant(LIn, F, LOut) :-
    findall(X, (member(X, LIn), forall(Y, (member(Y, LIn), not(invariant(Y,F,X))))), LOut).

leads to an error message:

/ Syntax error: Operator expected
/ Syntax error: Operator expected

after calling:



  • The error message is due to the fact that Prolog does not accept terms with variable functors. So, for example, the goal Y2 = F(F(Y0)) should be encoded as Y2 =.. [F,Y1], Y1 =.. [F,Y0]:

    ?- F = f, Y2 = f(f(f(a))), Y2 =.. [F,Y1], Y1 =.. [F,Y0].
    F = f,
    Y2 = f(f(f(a))),
    Y1 = f(f(a)),
    Y0 = f(a).

    A goal of the form Term =.. List (where the ISO operator =.. is called univ) succeeds if List is a list whose first item is the functor of Term and the remaining items are the arguments of Term. Using this operator, the predicate invariant_2/3 can be defined as follows:

    invariant_2(X, F, Y2) :-
        (   Y2 =.. [F, Y1],
            Y1 =.. [F, Y0]
        ->  invariant_2(X, F, Y0)
        ;   Y2 = X ).


    ?- invariant_2(a, f, f(f(a))).
    ?- invariant_2(a, f, f(f(f(a)))).
    ?- invariant_2(g(a), f, f(f(g(a)))).
    ?- invariant_2(g(a), f, f(f(f(g(a))))).

    The specification of reduce_2n_invariant/3 is not very clear to me, because it seems that the order in which the input list items are processed may change the result obtained. Anyway, I think you can do something like this:

    reduce_2n_invariant(Lin, F, Lout) :-
        reduce_2n_invariant_loop(Lin, F, [], Lout).
    reduce_2n_invariant_loop([], _, Lacc, Lout) :-
        reverse(Lacc, Lout).
    reduce_2n_invariant_loop([X|Xs], F, Lacc, Lout) :-
        (   forall(member(Y, Lacc), not(invariant_2(Y, F, X)))
        ->  Lacc1 = [X|Lacc]
        ;   Lacc1 = Lacc ),
        reduce_2n_invariant_loop(Xs, F, Lacc1, Lout).


    ?- reduce_2n_invariant([a,b,f(f(a)),f(f(c)),f(f(f(a))),f(f(f(f(a)))),f(b),f(f(b))], f, Lout).
    Lout = [a, b, f(f(c)), f(f(f(a))), f(b)].