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Vuejs: Touchmove fired but always return on the first item when touchstart

I have question related to touch event with Vuejs. I want to join some number with mouse event (for PC) and touch event (for Mobile Devices) like this:


          v-for="item in 9"
          {{ item }}

Since mousedown, mouseup, mousemove working well on PC, touch event also fired on mobile devices but it always return item of touchstart. Example: if I move(with touch) from 2 to 5, item always return 2 on touchmove and touchend event.

Here is my data:

 return {
   isMoving: false
methods: {
   this.isMoving= true;
 endMove(e) {
   this.isMoving= false;
 doMove(e) {
   if (this.isMoving) {

I tested with Chrome develop mode, and tested on Ipad. What is the solution for this?


  • Touch events work a little differently, try changing your doMove method.

    doMove(e) {
          if (this.isMoving) {
            const clientX = e.clientX || e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
            const clientY = e.clientY || e.changedTouches[0].clientY;

    Explanation, In this method, we try to get the position of the current touch or pointer. based on that we are getting the current element.