A constant in a z3 solver can be a usual python type (1) or a z3 Ref (2) as in the following artificial example, where x
and y
undergo same constraint set through these two types:
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
x, y = BitVecs("x y",7)
d = BitVecVal(6, 7)
# ------------
s.add(x & 6 != 6) #1'th or 2'th bit unset using Integer #....(1)
# vs
s.add(y & d != d) #1'th or 2'th bit unset using BitVecVal #....(2)
check = s.check()
if check == sat:
So, is there one of (1), (2) to prefer? Seems, I don't understand why there are constant sorts if the same can be done with usual python types.
The resulting SMT
code for Z3 can be shown as follows:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/14629021/1911064
def toSMT2Benchmark(f, status="unknown", name="benchmark", logic=""):
v = (Ast * 0)()
return Z3_benchmark_to_smtlib_string(f.ctx_ref(), name, logic, status, "", 0, v, f.as_ast())
print(toSMT2Benchmark(x & 6 != 6))
print(toSMT2Benchmark(y & d != d))
; benchmark
(set-info :status unknown)
(declare-fun x () (_ BitVec 7))
(and (distinct (bvand x (_ bv6 7)) (_ bv6 7)) true))
; benchmark
(set-info :status unknown)
(declare-fun y () (_ BitVec 7))
(and (distinct (_ bv6 7) (bvand y (_ bv6 7))) true))
So, both forms do create pretty much the same input for Z3.