I have an EJB:
@Stateless(mappedName = "MetadataFacade")
public class MetadataFacade implements MetadataFacadeRemote {
and openEJB configured using:
When embedded openEJB is starting it ignores the openejb.jndiname.format option and creates incorrect JNDI name:
INFO info, Jndi(name=MetadataFacade) --> Ejb(deployment-id=MetadataFacade)
How can I configure it to use the openejb.jndiname.format option and create JNDI name similar to:
If openEJB can not do it, I would be thankful for any workaround.
Since the described use case is not supported, I have created a patch
which disables the original behaviour and instead adds a new variable ejbClass.mappedName which can be used in openejb.jndiname.format.
The patch is for the head (revision 1034599) of:
Apply it to sources root using:
patch -p0 -i mappedName.patch
then build openEJB using:
mvn -Dmaven.{test,itest}.skip -Dassemble clean install
and add
to your classpath as the first entry.