I am trying to convert a pinescript from v1 to v5.
study(title="Previous Day High and Low", shorttitle="Previous Day High and Low", overlay=true)
D_High = security(tickerid, 'D', high[1])
D_Low = security(tickerid, 'D', low[1])
D_Close = security(tickerid, 'D', close[1])
D_Open = security(tickerid, 'D', open[1])
plot(isintraday ? D_High : na, title="Daily High",style=line, color=blue,linewidth=1)
plot(isintraday ? D_Low : na, title="Daily Low",style=line, color=blue,linewidth=1)
v1 is working fine.
I am trying to convert v5
indicator(title="Previous Day High and Low New", shorttitle="Previous Day High and Low New", overlay=true)
D_High = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', high[1])
D_Low = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', low[1])
plot(timeframe.isintraday ? D_High : na, title="Daily High", color=color.green,linewidth=2)
plot(timeframe.isintraday ? D_Low : na, title="Daily Low", color=color.red,linewidth=2)
But its showing wrong. Any Idea?
Pine v1-v2's security()
function is using the lookahead parameter by default, which could be modified in v3-v5 with the lookahead=
argument. To match the result declare the barmerge.lookahead_on
indicator(title="Previous Day High and Low New", shorttitle="Previous Day High and Low New", overlay=true)
D_High = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', high[1], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
D_Low = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', low[1], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
plot(timeframe.isintraday ? D_High : na, title="Daily High", color=color.green,linewidth=2)
plot(timeframe.isintraday ? D_Low : na, title="Daily Low", color=color.red,linewidth=2)