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Visual Studio fetches data but not display

I've read all the related answers on stackoverflow. Reportviewer never fills up. There is data but it does not show enter image description here


  • Instead of updating my project, I created a new project from scratch and at this time, I saw that reportviewer was working corectly. Here is my steps;

    For Visual Studio 2019 or 2022

    1 - On the top menu click Extensions-->Manage extensions --> Search "Microsoft RDLC Report Designer" or "Microsoft RDLC Report Designer 2022" Download and install "Microsoft RDLC Report Designer" and restart Visual Studio

    2 - Add Report.rdlc files to the project with using Manage nuget packages, Search Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WebForms and Install

    3 - In toolbox, under "Microsoft Sql Server" you can see ReportViewer (If you can not see click anywher in toolbox and select choose items and add ReportViewer)

    4 - Create a new aspx file Drag ReportViewer control to this aspx file and add your rdlc file

    5 - When you open your page in browser you will see the report.