Possible Duplicate:
How does Facebook Sharer select Images?
I'm trying to share a video from feralmotion.com using
http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=<url to share>
The page I'm trying to share can be viewed here
It may be important to mention I am sharing flowplayer
I can properly share video's to webkit and -moz- browsers, but when I share on IE, the image never makes it to Facebook. This leaves facebooks tiny play button neatly tucked in the top left corner, in a not-so-obvious fashion.
Test it for yourself here, try in different browsers.
It may be important to mention that the facebook linter finds the image when
is run through it.
Has anyone come across this before ??
Add the Open Graph Meta tags to your page: /?watch=XXX
These meta tags are added to your "share" pages: /share?watch=XXX
and there's no reason not to add them to your actual pages!
Based on the comments below, it seems that it's a bug in the sharer.php
P.S: The Like plugin is recommended over the sharer.php